KDE Telepathy 0.5.2 codename "we already have it" has just been released.
This brings a whole tonne of festive bugfixes. What better present could you ask for?
Since 0.5.1 we have fixed the following:
- Potential Freeze when declining contact request (311548)
- Connection Errors when using WICD (303498)
- "Connecting…" indicator keeps spinning forever on login (307758)
- Make Presence plasmoid icons plasma themeable (302993)
- No notification sound when a new message comes in in an active chat window (310946)
- Crash in Accounts KCM (307302)
- Correctly align right-to-length languages (305045)
- Deadlock between Amarok and KDED when starting (310826)
- Sometimes initial selected item in contact list has the wrong foreground colour (310081)
- Crash in Ktp-Log Viewer (310552)
- Deadlock in auth-handler (310505)
- Previous and Next conversation links are shown twice (309828)
- Fix colours in Contact List view (308802)
- SIP advanced configuration: 'Transport' is always reset to 'auto' (309180)
- Speedups in the ktp-debugger (308204)
- Flip video stream of preview in call interfaces (so it's like a mirror) (308976)
- Kwallet interaction fixes (1) (308079)
- Kwallet interaction fixes (2) (308973)
- Handle Enter key as well as Return to send message (308895)
- Contact list did not update to style changes immediately (308820)
- Mobile icon is not hidden when user goes offline (308217)
- Quick Chat applet doesn't scroll to the bottom when new messages come in (298392)
Source packages are available here, and should be in your distribution shortly.
Bored over the Christmas holidays? Want to get involved in KTp? Find out more on our wiki. We are doing a lot of changes under the hood for 0.6, there's lots of activity and it's a great time to get involved in all the cool things we're up to.