As usual KDE is running the testing program throughout the beta period
of KDE 4.10. It's a great way to get involved in KDE.
How do I get the latest release?
The latest release for testing can be found on our wiki page
we try and keep this up to date with the latest information from your distribution.
I've got the latest beta, what should I do?
When you have the latest beta, have a play with the new release and report any bug to and select "File a bug".
Bug reporting is an essential part of the testing process, it's especially important to catch regressions, which is when a new bug is accidentally introduced when something is changed. KDE developers only have limited hardware and our own workflow, we really do need you to help test and see if you find any bugs we've missed. All bugs are looked at, even if they cannot be immediately fixed and reacted upon.
If you are playing with the release, it is especially helpful if you try using the areas of KDE that either contain new features or have undergone significant changes "under the hood". We have a list of the areas that you should spend some of your time testing on our wiki We also have various checklists that should be completed before the release