KDE LightDM Frontend 0.3.1 available

LightDM-KDE version 0.3.1 has been released.


  • Fixed user avatars not appearing (working around a bug in AccountsService)
  • Fixed translations not loading correctly

Source code can be found at http://download.kde.org/unstable/lightdm-kde/src/lightdm-kde-0.3.1.tar.bz2.mirrorlist, and will be in your distribution shortly.

Not the most exciting changelog ever, but that doesn't mean work isn't happening. 0.4 promises several new features including; live config-previews, even better PAM support, theme installer and a lot more.

If you want to get involved, email me!
(my address is at the top of every source file I've edited)

KDE Telepathy 0.5.2 Released

KDE Telepathy 0.5.2 codename "we already have it" has just been released.

This brings a whole tonne of festive bugfixes. What better present could you ask for?

Since 0.5.1 we have fixed the following:

  • Potential Freeze when declining contact request (311548)
  • Connection Errors when using WICD (303498)
  • "Connecting…" indicator keeps spinning forever on login (307758)
  • Make Presence plasmoid icons plasma themeable (302993)
  • No notification sound when a new message comes in in an active chat window (310946)
  • Crash in Accounts KCM (307302)
  • Correctly align right-to-length languages (305045)
  • Deadlock between Amarok and KDED when starting (310826)
  • Sometimes initial selected item in contact list has the wrong foreground colour (310081)
  • Crash in Ktp-Log Viewer (310552)
  • Deadlock in auth-handler (310505)
  • Previous and Next conversation links are shown twice (309828)
  • Fix colours in Contact List view (308802)
  • SIP advanced configuration: 'Transport' is always reset to 'auto' (309180)
  • Speedups in the ktp-debugger (308204)
  • Flip video stream of preview in call interfaces (so it's like a mirror) (308976)
  • Kwallet interaction fixes (1) (308079)
  • Kwallet interaction fixes (2) (308973)
  • Handle Enter key as well as Return to send message (308895)
  • Contact list did not update to style changes immediately (308820)
  • Mobile icon is not hidden when user goes offline (308217)
  • Quick Chat applet doesn't scroll to the bottom when new messages come in (298392)

Source packages are available here, and should be in your distribution shortly.

Bored over the Christmas holidays? Want to get involved in KTp? Find out more on our wiki. We are doing a lot of changes under the hood for 0.6, there's lots of activity and it's a great time to get involved in all the cool things we're up to.

KDE Testing for 4.10 – The Developer Version

The KDE Quality Team is designed to, amongst other things, manage the release tesing for KDE and move towards having a structured approach rather than just releasing some code, and seeing what happens.

This means keeping clear instructions on how to install the latest betas, promoting testing and trying to do the testing more effectively.

What's being done

  • Making easy instructions on how to get the latest release
  • Making and running "release checklists" for various components of KDE to ensure everything still works as it should
  • Making a list of changed areas, and putting an emphasis on testing these
  • Running bug days, with bug reporting tutorials to improve the usefulness of the bug reports

As a developer how can I help/benefit from this?

If you have refactored a large area of code, or introduced a new feature, please add it to the to-test list (http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Quality/Beta/4.10/AreasToTest) along with instructions of how to get to test it. Use end-user terminology, and keep things deliberately vague to encourage users to spot bugs in areas that you (as a developer) haven't thought about.

Be on top of the bugzilla lists. KDE only works if all developers are on top of triaging their own products, confirming bugs, closing duplicates and invalid bugs and of course, fixing them 🙂

As a distro packager, how can I help?

Make sure our wiki page of "how to get the latest beta" (http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Quality/Beta/4.10/Installing) is up to date with clear instructions. A link to the relevant release page is enough. It's a wiki for a reason, edit away 🙂

Help co-ordinate

You may have noticed we're running a bit behind this release. We really need to step it up, both now and for future releases. It's a new-ish team, and I've ended up being ridiculously busy.

We have a number of ways to get involved in the managing side of KDE Quality:

  • Redesigning the landing wiki page to be more graphic, easy to navigate and inviting
  • Updating our list of changed areas in 4.10 that need extensive testing
  • Co-ordinate with the kde-promo team to include testing instructions on the release notes
  • Hang around our IRC channel #kde-quality to help answer testers questions

It's a real work in progress, but we're already showing real results both in terms of bugs reported, and bugs fixed.

Join our mailing list [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-testing] or find us in #kde-quality.

KDE Testing in 4.10

As usual KDE is running the testing program throughout the beta period
of KDE 4.10. It's a great way to get involved in KDE.

How do I get the latest release?

The latest release for testing can be found on our wiki page http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Quality/Beta/4.10/Installing
we try and keep this up to date with the latest information from your distribution.

I've got the latest beta, what should I do?

When you have the latest beta, have a play with the new release and report any bug to http://bugs.kde.org and select "File a bug".

Bug reporting is an essential part of the testing process, it's especially important to catch regressions, which is when a new bug is accidentally introduced when something is changed. KDE developers only have limited hardware and our own workflow, we really do need you to help test and see if you find any bugs we've missed. All bugs are looked at, even if they cannot be immediately fixed and reacted upon.

If you are playing with the release, it is especially helpful if you try using the areas of KDE that either contain new features or have undergone significant changes "under the hood". We have a list of the areas that you should spend some of your time testing on our wiki http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Quality/Beta/4.10/AreasToTest. We also have various checklists that should be completed before the release http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Quality/Beta/4.10/Plasma