SDDM is a Qt based Display Manager used by multiple desktops, but most importantly (certainly for the PlanetKDE crowd), KDE.
After a year of seemingly little activity, I've released SDDM v0.15.0
It is mostly a bugfix release with important changes, but nothing to get particularly excited about.
For full release notes please see:
Now this is out, I shall be merge a huge queue of pending larger changes - hopefully we shall see 0.16 in only a few months.
Thank you, but avatar is still missing on Arch.
hi David, i subscribed to your RSS feed in order to notice when you release a new SDDM so I was surprised to read this post with my feed staying empty. It turns out the RSS feed url points to , I guess that’s your old site? You may want to fix this? thanks
I’m happy with the new release as I’m looking forward to the next release to support session reuse
without that feature, it’s really confusing for my parents to know when they have to start a new session or switch to an existing. I tried explaining.. but once that feature is merged, our troubles will be over 
session reuse released in 0.16, thanks!
i notice you have fixed the RSS feed url, subbed now
Well, thanx a lot. But I can’t realize what should I do to make elements of breeze theme using my own color scheme not root’s one as if I could use it starting “sddm-greeter –theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze” in my user session.
Yeah, I don’t have an option for that. Dont’ have a neat way to not fill the UI with mostly pointless things.
For your case, copy ~/.config/plasmarc (I think?) into /var/lib/sddm/ maintaining the path
Note also local installed themes need copying
Oh wow. I didn’t know this feature of SDDM. I’ve coppied also ~/.config/kdeglobals into /var/lib/sddm/.config (manjaro based on archlinux). Everything is OK. Thank you so much.